Right to Rent, are you ready?


With the Right to Rent legislation rolling out today here we'll show you how you can use Acquaint to help with your Tenant checks. From 1st February 2016, all private landlords in England will have to make right to rent checks. This means checking that tenants have the right to be in the UK. For more information go to https://www.gov.uk/government/news/right-to-rent-checks-what-they-mean-for-you

How to make a right to rent check

Check adult tenant(s) will live in the property as their only or main home
Ask tenant(s) for the original document(s) that show they have the right to be in the UK
Check the documents are valid with the tenant present
Make and keep copies of the documents and record the date you made the check

How Acquaint can help

Against a Contact record add their date of birth
In the case of a family link all the family members to a primary Tenant. This way all their details will be included in Tenancy Agreements.
Add a Proof of ID* Certificate to a Tenant and against each Certificate store Notes, tasks and any scans of the original documents. Add start and expiry dates as this will generate Home Page reminders.

*You can add additional Certifcate Types as required.

Date Added 01/02/2016